Well it’s been an extremely difficult and stressful time for everyone the last six months with the Covid-19 global pandemic. We hope you and your families are keeping well and safe. Parent First Aid had suspended all classroom training since the middle of March but we hope to now return to our training venues across Ireland to run our first aid training.
We have made sure that the return to training is safe for our instructors and attendees. All our venues have Covid-19 measures in places plus we have reduced our attendee numbers to comply with social distancing in each class. Both the venues and our instructors will have hand sanitiser and surface cleaner on hand to clean equipment etc for all the training.
Our September classes are now live on the website to book online at https://www.parentfirstaid.ie/courses/
If you have any questions, please contact Peter on 0872453387 or email peter@parentfirstaid.ie